Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Forks and Spoons

I have a quirk. A quirk that can be irritating at times. But a necessary quirk.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Share Your World - May 8 2023

I'm doing something a little different, a blog hop post. I used to do a lot of these but over the years have drifted away. One of my new A to Z friends posted her thoughts today and it got me to looking at the host. I think I will do these more often. Thank you to the post today on J Dub's Grin & Bear it blog.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Spring Allergies - Achoo!

Runny noses, itching eyes, post-nasal drip, ticklish throat, sneezing all day - it's that time of year.