Thursday, April 20, 2023


I can be a compulsive counter. 

Not just to go to sleep where I've been known to count to one hundred in Spanish, but when walking. 



Just to pass the steps. 

I count. 

No real reason. 

I just count. 

I also count while waiting for the microwave to finish, or the toaster to pop (back when I used one), or the coffee to drip, or the ice/water to fill my tumbler.

I just count.

I also divide words into equal segments in my head. I try to make it even. For example, SEGM ENTS. Two sets of four letters. Or SE GM EN TS. Four sets of two letters. Of course, this doesn't always work. Like when the word is LE TT ER S - oops. I try another word.

I do this after someone has said something to me and for whatever reason, a word clicks and I can't turn it off.

Yup, compulsive counter. What about you?

And yes, I'm still stuck on the letter C.


  1. Only when I used to walk -1234 over and over

    1. I tend to count to an arbitrary number and then start over.

  2. I thought I was alone!

  3. I count too, was told it was OCD. I started out counting the lines on traffic signs and now I count lines on everything including people's faces. The outline of their mouth and eyes, etc. I always have to end on an even number. If I don't I'll draw an imaginary circle around the object.

  4. Glad to know I'm not the only one. I count things that have no meaning but I also count time - even unconsciously. I am always walking towards the oven as the timer goes off. My electric toothbrush cycles in 30 second intervals. Without thinking about it, I countdown 5,4,3,2,1, when I think the cycle is nearing it's end. Seldom off by more than 1 or 2 seconds. Stupid thing to be doing but there ya go!! :)

    1. As I've gotten older, I've gotten much less patient with waiting for things. Microwave, ice/water out of the fridge door, coffee maker. So I could while I wait. You're in good company!

  5. I count too. I started counting lines on road signs when I was a child, then progressed to lines on other things and now I even count the lines on people's faces like the outline of their lips, etc. I was told it was a facet of OCD.

    1. Interesting. I know I have several traits/characteristics/behaviors that could be deemed OCD. I tend to think of them a control issues.


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