Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Rings - a journey for eternity

A friend posted about the their wedding and rings for the letter V for vows in the April A to Z Blog Challenge. That brought to mind my journey with rings.

In 1985, when my late husband and I were married, we had next to no money. I charged my JC Penney card with the purchase of his nugget ring (which I still have, resized for me to wear on my right hand) and I wore my late mother's wedding set (which I have passed on to my oldest daughter).

On our 15th anniversary, he surprised me with a wedding set that I wore till he passed in November 2004. I then had it made into a nugget style, heart shaped pendant from the gold with the diamond and two small chip diamonds from the earrings he made me). I still wear that often.

When my current husband and I decided to marry, we both agreed we wanted Celtic style rings. We searched and searched before finding the perfect set at a jewelry store on Kent Island, MD.

When we decided on a move to Ecuador for a couple of years, gold jewelry was at the top of the list for thieves. While on our exploratory visit, we met a restaurant owner who also made custom jewelry. We commissioned a set in silver to match our gold rings which we would leave back in the states in our safe. They were exquisite!

Fast forward to buying our home here in Tennessee and hubby is now working on our vehicles and not wearing his ring due to the danger of it catching on something. After seeing friends who had tattoos on their ring fingers in lieu of rings, we decided to go that route.

We have both sets of our rings, I still wear my gold Celtic ring when we cruise or dress-up as well as my late husband's nugget ring. They both always make my heart smile.

The ancient Egyptians considered the circle a symbol of eternal love and believed that the ring finger on the left hand had a vein connected directly to the heart, the “vena amoris” or “vein of love.”

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