Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Tickled - NOT!

I was actually TICKED late yesterday. The day started out on a slightly sour note and went downhill.
First thing, shortly after I got up, Cooper presented us with a dead BABY bunny - in the house! I took photos but won't share, it's too sad.

Then, later in the day when hubby was in town buying stuff for his hobby barn, Cooper managed to dig his way out of the yard. The first time I got a pet notification on the front porch and brought him in. An hour later it was dinner time and after they eat, the boys always go out. Sigh...Cooper was gone again and not coming when I called. When hubby got home, we started walking and searching. I evidently picked up a hitchhiker in the back yard, unbeknownst to me.

Later in the evening we were sitting watching TV and I felt something crawling on my neck. I managed to grab it between my fingers and yes, it was a TICK. He hadn't lodged anywhere but my head and neck itched all night long.

It's that time of year. Why don't they have nice chewy things for us to keep ticks away? I still shiver when I think of it and now that I've written about it, my neck and head are itching again!


  1. Ugh, I can so relate. I went to visit my niece last week, and her husband had one on a tick on his neck. I itched for hours afterwards, and it wasn't even on me.

  2. Ewwww, I hate ticks! Ryan git one on his head when he was about 4 and I took him to the ER to get it removed. I was NOT touching it!!!


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